Top 10 Australia Pics
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AUSTRALIA 2004 - Sydney Pictures

They are not linked to larger versions yet... give me time, I'm getting there!

The view from our hotel window - Darling Harbour on Friday, April 2

The monorail going by!

WWI monument, Sydney

Dad and "Vicki" in front of the QVB


One of the clocks inside the QVB. On the half hour, the top section opens up and shows a series of short  scenes about Australia's history. It plays music and the middle portion spins around.

The  Observation Tower in Sydney

The ANZAC memorial in Sydney. Unfortunately, photography is not permitted inside. It's one of the most beautiful art deco buildings I've ever seen.


Hyde Park - one of many parts of Sydney with names from parts of London

The fountain in Hyde Park commemorates the French and Australian alliance in WWI.

Each climber gets a certificate after they
return from the excursion.

We did it! That's Sydney's Circular Quay and skyline behind us. We recovered pretty quickly from our jetlag once we got up here!

... and over Bryan's right shoulder, the Opera House! What an amazing sight, and a great way to see the whole harbor.

Bryan at the top. He finally realized the headset looked a little goofy in the pictures, so he took it off.

Now we are on our way down. The guide was the only one of our group (of 12) who was allowed to bring a camera.

The view under the bridge. The climbers walk along the lower set of beams on the right side to go up, and along the left side coming back.

Can you see the little specks on the top of the arch? those are Climbers, in groups of 12. A new group goes up approximately every 15 minutes!

On the ferry on the way back to Darling Harbor, we got some great views of the bridge and the Opera House

The bridge from the side of Circular Quay. That's the Hyatt at the Rocks in the foreground.

Sunday started at Chinatown, in the rain.


The view of the bridge from the Opera House


If I were a computer whiz like my sister-in-law, I'd have figured out how to cut and paste Bryan into this photo!


Here he is in front of the bridge. The clouds were getting really ominous.


Bryan and the Opera House - #1

We walked ALL the way around the Opera House. It was very windy on the harbor side.


Bryan and the Opera House - #2


Mom & Dad at the Opera House. After this, we took the tour.


During the tour, we were not allowed to photograph the inside of the concert halls, but this is the inside of the roof.

This is a close-up of the ceramic tiles that cover the Opera House roof..

Bryan's artsy picture of the bridge, reflected in the window of the Opera House. 


Opera House at night. It's sometimes called "nuns in a scrum" because of the shape of the roof segments.

The bridge at night, from the area in front of Wolfie's restaurant.


Wolfies' restaurant, which we enjoyed very much.


Monday, we went to Canberra...